Individual therapy is the most utilized service at the Centre for Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.
Depending on your therapy goal, your therapist will develop an individualized treatment plan. Throughout your therapy you will learn to: (1) identify and change problematic beliefs, (2) develop new skills that can be used in real-world situations, and (3) prepare for setbacks and relapses. In addition to your 50 minute session, your psychologist will also provide tasks to complete in between your sessions to augment your learning and solidify your gains.
To schedule an appointment you are welcome to complete our online registration form or call our office at 780-455-8133
A member of our team will contact you to answer any questions you have and to schedule your initial session. We will match you to the therapist that best suits your needs. Treatment will begin with an assessment phase and consists of reviewing your concerns and history. Often clients are provided with questionnaires or history forms to complete prior to the first visit. This information will assist in developing a personalized treatment plan. Your therapist will share their expert treatment recommendation with you and indicate the expected length of treatment.